INTERVIEW: How Jane N’ The Jungle’s Jordan White Honed Her Wild Side to Make Herself, The Band, & The Music Grow 11-20-17

Since Burning Hot Events reviewed Jane N’ The Jungle’s “Shake Me Out” music video in June 2016, immediately following our photo shoot of their music video premiere show, the band has grown by leaps and bounds. It is evident that Jane N’ The Jungle has tenaciously pursued the growth of their visibility, and the quality of their media and productions shows they are not cutting corners. The band is standing out both in image, and in sound, and they just recently released their latest music video, for the track “Wild Side”.

Our interview with Jordan White taps into not only what has helped her band Jane N’ The Jungle to transcend the boundaries of Arizona, but also the personal experiences and growth process for White and her bandmates…


Jane N’ The Jungle has certainly become a recognizable name and sound in the Phoenix music market. Yet, some fans may not realize your growing base outside of your hometown. What do you think has been key for your reach outside of your local area?

Social media has been the biggest part of our growing fanbase outside of our hometown.  We’ve been getting radio spins nationally, and our music videos featured on music television channels in the US and Canada that have also helped with our growing fanbase.  Spotify is another great way fans have been able to listen to our music and connect through related artists they like.


This current music video “Wild Side” was partially filmed at the Whiskey A Go Go. Was that the first time you had played there?

I played at the Whisky A Go Go twice before with another band I formed out in LA.  This was the first time Jane N’ The Junkgle has taken the stage at the legendary venue and opened for The Iron Maidens.  It was a blast!!


Was the vision for its charm and neon character of humor thought about as the song was written, or did the vision come about afterwards for the video?

The humor came after writing the song trying to lighten the vibe and keep it fun.  We released “Killed Someone” a few months before that, [which] has a very heavy message relating to sexual abuse before the #metoo went viral.  We wanted the next video to be lighthearted.


Where does inspiration come from for your songwriting? How personal is it?

Songwriting is my therapy.  The words spill out of my mind like a journal and it’s very personal.  I appreciate Brian for all his patience during the writing process.  I have song melodies constantly going through my head pretty much all the time, so it’s nice trying to focus and narrow down on one thought and theme.   I oftentimes don’t even notice I’m singing and humming at work, or at the store, or even when I speak with people; I have songs running in my head it’s hard to shut it out.  Maybe one day that will stop, but for now it’s always been my musical inspiration for songwriting with words spilling from my gut at the very moment.  Brian has his own inspirations, and with that combined, [it] has formed our music.


Every band has a ‘formula’, so to speak, that they follow in creating their music. Is Jane N The Jungle’s songwriting process lyrics-first, or second?

Our writing process is very organic, and lyrics typically happen the same time as the music, both inspired by the story we are trying to tell musically and lyrically.  We have songs that have been written [in] all different ways.  When there’s an idea or a spark, you go with it.

The band seems very comfortable on stage and with performing. Was it always that way for each band member, or has being up front in the spotlight taken time to adjust to?

I had horrible stage fright as a child.  It took me years to not freeze up and turn ghostly white.  I was extremely shy.  Overcoming that obstacle inspired my passion for performance.  It takes time developing chemistry with each musician on stage.  Performance is a very personal space, and the more connected you are with each other and the music the easier it becomes.


The directive the band has taken is really key to success nowadays in the industry – releasing singles with a music video. How many have you done so in 2017, and how has the pace been to keep up with?

We’ve released 4 music videos this year.  It’s been a lot of fun working on each one.  If you make the work about the music, it quickly doesn’t feel like work, and that has helped with the quick pace of our videos.  Music is number one.


Can you give us a glimpse into Jane N The Jungle and 2018?

We are currently working on preproduction for our upcoming EP and can’t wait to share some of the details soon!

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Katherine Amy Vega
Owner, Mgr, Media Artist at Kataklizmic Design, LLC
Manager & Concert Photographer of Burning Hot Events

Photographer, Web Designer & Developer, Video Producer, Graphic Designer, Entrepreneur, Freelancer, concert-junkie, musician, dancer, #1 fan of LOTR & the Spice Girls, cat-lover, & moar!

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